
Understanding Runway Conditions – Slippery Wet

Understanding Runway Conditions – Slippery Wet

Runway conditions are a critical aspect of aviation safety. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) introduced the term Slippery Wet alongside the GRF regulation to help aviators describe a specific type of runway condition. In this article, we will...

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How to provide ATIS in the GRF era? ATIS is typically parsed from SNOWTAM- or from METAR SPECI group (MOTNE) string. Did You know, that MOTNE will cease to exist and SNOWTAM string will completely change, when GRF runway condition reporting takes effect. SNOWTAM,...

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One year after Global Reporting Format (GRF) implementation

One year after Global Reporting Format (GRF) implementation

Significant milestones often make one wonder about the length of time. On the one hand, it feels like the Global Reporting Format (GRF) was launched just yesterday. On the other, it feels like an eternity has passed.  Whatever we may feel, it has now officially been...

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All-in-one equipment: risk or opportunity?

Global Reporting Format, GRF, new regulations, etc. I´m sure you have heard all about it already. We have written multiple blog posts for this topic, also ACI and ICAO have done lot of good work to spread the word. This information flow has also got many confused what...

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Global Reporting Format – Be prepared

The differences in methodologies used across the world for the reporting of runway conditions have been a longstanding cause of confusion and misinterpretation by flight crews and identified as a leading factor in multiple aircraft and accidents over the years. A...

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